Thursday, February 17, 2011

Linda's 2011 Resolution

Hi to all You Balanced Moms….

My name is Linda Dobson, and I have been wearing your PLM shirts for a number of years now, and (might I add) receiving TONS of compliments everywhere I go…so of course I pass on the word!  I’m seeking to balance my world this year by pacing myself alittle more with work and home.  Like most working moms, we all strive to give 100% everywhere we are, and that’s great, but I think I need to take the pace down a little bit and give my 100% with more focus and care…especially with my children!  They are only small for such a short time, and I need to “stop and smell the roses” abit more. They are amazing creatures and make me laugh out loud every day, and I want to enjoy that so much more that I have been able to do in the past.  There you have it…that is my wish for the year.  Hope you like it!  Thanks to all of you for your wonderful products, which I wear with pride, and which remind me to be thankful for the wonderful gifts I have in being a MOM!



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Just wanted to let you guys know that "Customized Girl" is selling Peace Love Mom t-shirts against your trademark.

    Don't feel bad, they are ripping off a lot of other websites and graphic designers. If they can't come up with any original work, they should just close up shop.

    Have at em!
