Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My resolution: to finish more of what I start


Thank you so much for running this promotion!  My New Year's resolution for 2010 is to finish more of what I start.  I am ambitious with the best of intentions, and so I enthusiastically start many things - from craft projects, to organization projects, graduate school...you name it and I am probably involved in it somehow!  Being a mom of two beautiful healthy boys (4 months and 2 1/2 years) they are my priority and so other things tend to fall by the wayside leaving works-in-progress around my house.  I love my family and my life right now, but I would like to finish their baby quilts while they are still small!!

The photo was taken at a recent all day scrapbook event where I was trying to get caught up on my photo albums (don't let your babies grow up to be .jpegs!).

Thank you - Laura

PLM – That is the best motivation of all.. We are going to quote you and often: “don’t let your babies grow up to be jpegs”